Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

If you believe that material available on the site, including those hosted at, infringes on your copyright(s), please notify us by providing a DMCA notice. Upon receipt of a valid and complete notice, we will remove the material and make a good faith attempt to contact the user who uploaded the material by email.

Before submitting a DMCA notice, it’s important to consider if the manner in which the material is used falls under fair use. If you are not sure whether material located on a site infringes your copyright, or if it is subject to fair use protections, you should first consider seeking legal advice.

DMCA Notice
Report with Data *

*Our representatives will contact you within 2-3 business days

Your DMCA notice will be forwarded to the party that made the material available. A note will also be placed on the page in question detailing the name of the copyright holder who submitted the takedown notice.

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